It’s 2021

The header photo was taken by me in May, as I flew over the coast of Australia, near Melbourne. I spent six weeks there, visiting my daughter and her family. Covid19 has come on scene since I last posted. I’m still trying to write and not sure about what, but that’s okay. The world is […]

Wrestling still

I want to write. I think about it all the time, but I hesitate to start. Yet it’s not hard to do. Sometimes words just come at me while my hands are moving, no idea what’s coming next. It’s like writing’s a job that I don’t really want to start, and yet to be good […]

Still doing it

Curiously, I’m still writing. An hour a day in the evening which is when I’m more alert. And every time I think oh no I can’t, I tell myself it’s no big deal, just a story. And it works. After months of agonising over quality and comparing myself to others I realise that if I […]


Don’t forget who you are inside. The real you. The kind, open-hearted you; accepting whatever happens as learning. Don’t close down.


So the EU stands on the brink, they say. If Greece leaves, then the other ailing economies of the Eurozone will trot along behind them and default too. Maybe. What we’re living with right now, in the enlightened? western world is not capitalism. It’s a bankocracy. Governments printing money and giving it to the banks […]

Just write It.

So really then it’s not that big a deal if you want to write. If you believe something to be true, then write it down. You have the hands, the mind, the pen. Get out of your own way. Set aside the ‘I’ (don’t feel like it, aren’t inspired, feel sick, too tired), and in […]

To Twitter or not to twitter?

I go on Twitter to see what’s going on, and I end up there for hours, sucked into the wrongness of so much of what passes for life in the world. Outrage, disgust, anger. So many emotions are triggered as I read and look at the stuff that we do to each other and the […]